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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Traffic Enforcement on Route 210

 Officer Enforcement per Major Jim Keleti:

On 11/20/2020 the Traffic Enforcement Section from the Special Operations Division was tasked with conducting Saturation/Speed enforcement along Indian Head Highway.  Below are the results for the enforcement.

Officers Working: 17
Hours: 2100-0200
Vehicles stopped: 86
Speed Citations: 30 (highest 125mph)
Other Moving citations: 143
Written Warnings: 48
SERO's: 23 [Service Equipment Repair Order]

DUI/DWI Arrests: (BrAC: .08%, Refusal, Refusal and high CDS)
Warrant Service: 1

Vehicle searches: 3
Vehicle impounds: 2

Speed Camera Summary based on data from Captain Hendershot:

Stay safe and have a Happy Thanksgiving!