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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Less Traffic Results in Crashes that Cause More Fatalities


(Click on the image for the Texas A&M report)

In Texas: While the numbers for both multi- and single-vehicle crashes were down by 55 percent and 23 percent, respectively, the proportion of crashes with at least one fatality rose by 14 percent for single-vehicle crashes and 59 percent for multi-vehicle crashes.

Two factors affect traffic crashes: exposure and risk. Exposure is the amount of travel, and risk is the chance that travel will result in a crash, injury or death. Because there was less exposure to risk in April with fewer drivers on the road, the number of crashes went down. But fatal crashes only dropped by 20 percent during that period, so the risk of a fatal crash was greater than normal.

Speed is a primary determinant of crash severity, Wunderlich said, with a 10 percent decrease in speed producing 38 percent less fatalities and 27 percent less serious injuries.