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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Citizens Police Academy

From POFC Timothy Green:

  • The county recently sent out the announcement for CPA (Citizens Police Academy). For anyone not familiar with the program, it allows those in the community to interact with members of the department (in various positions/divisions), go through different scenarios, and overall a better knowledge of the daily functions of a police officer. I facilitate the traffic portion of the training as you all know I love to do traffic, but everyone I know that has gone LOVES it. So if anyone is interested please reach out to me and I will submit names. It is held every Monday 6p-9p at our lodge. The expected start date is March 30th and will run through June.
  • If you have any questions about the program, please reach out to me.
  • Have a great week and be safe,

POFC Timothy Green #3977, District VII / COPS, 301-292-5300, TDGreen1@co.pg.md.us

[Several District VII Citizens Advisory Council member are CAC graduates and we can vouch that we thoroughly enjoyed the academy and have a much better appreciation of the skills and dedication of our police professionals.]