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Thursday, October 3, 2019

Amazon-recommended IP cameras with huge security risks

(Click on the image for the video)

  • Which? has carried out tests on six wireless cameras and found serious security flaws - despite all of them having thousands of apparently positive reviews and earning a coveted “Amazon’s Choice” recommendation, which ensures they are prominently displayed on the tech giant’s website. 
  • Many of these devices are marketed as being suitable for use as baby monitors.
  • The report is on cameras sold by Amazon in the UK but many of the same brands are sold in the U.S.
  • If you’re shopping for a wireless camera, do your research.
  • Don’t just consider price, but also look at the company. Have you heard of the brand? Does it have a reputable-looking website with a customer service team you can contact if something goes wrong? Don’t just rely on apparently positive customer reviews. These cameras tend to have hundreds of positive reviews, but always check the negative reviews too, on sites such as Amazon. See if any issues sound worrying, such as the ones we’ve highlighted above.
  • Ultimately, consider whether it’s worth saving on a product that’s designed to keep you or your family safe and secure.