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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Survey finds 70% of drivers don’t think they’ll get pulled over while high

(Click on the image for Abigail Constantino's WTOP report)

"A new survey has found that nearly 15 million Americans have done this deed while on weed: Driving.
AAA found that 14.8 million drivers reported getting behind the wheel within one hour after using marijuana in the past 30 days. Moreover, nearly 70% think that it’s unlikely that they will get caught while driving high.
And this tendency falls along generational and gender lines, with 14% of millennials and 8% of men more likely to report getting behind the wheel one hour after using marijuana.
AAA Mid-Atlantic spokesman John B. Townsend said that the findings are scary. “It’s a recipe for disaster … It’s a recipe for a crash and potential fatality on the highway.”
Driving while high impairs your ability to think through a process, to drive safely and to even focus on driving, Townsend said."

AAA's  Traffic Safety Culture Index report is here.