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Monday, June 10, 2019

More Washingtonians say drivers are bad than say the same of other road users

(Click on the image for Luz Lazo and Emily Guskin's Washington Post report)
  • Nearly 6 in 10 Washington-area residents say drivers frequently violate traffic laws in the region
  • Washington-area residents said they worry about a culture of speeding and reckless driving and other unsafe road behaviors. Distractions such as cellphones, among all road users, have made the streets more dangerous for everyone.
  • ". . . many drivers appear to be unaware of the rules of the road, flying through stop signs or ignoring bans against right turns on red. A refresher driving course would be helpful, she said. But mostly, she said, people need to use the common sense."
  • “That text message and that phone call is not that important. Driving is serious business. You can kill someone in the blink of an eye,”