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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Major Muldoon to Retire

From Major Muldoon:
 After 29 years of service to the citizens of Prince George’s County, I’ve made the very difficult decision to retire from this agency that has treated me so well. When I started my career in 1990, Prince George’s County was a different place. The murder rate was twice what it is today, the crack cocaine epidemic had ravaged communities, with open air drug markets a common sight on many street corners and the relationship between the police and the community it served was very adversarial. That picture of Prince George’s County has changed drastically. This county is now a destination for many. Twenty-nine years ago, if you would have told me that the Redskin’s stadium, a resort area (built on my old duck hunting grounds) with nationally renowned hotels, restaurants, casino and shopping and miles of good walking and bike trails were going to be in Prince George’s County I would said you were crazy. Prince George’s County is definitely on the right track and the future is incredibly bright. None of this could have occurred if those living within, visiting and investing in Prince George’s County didn’t feel safe. I am very proud to have served during that transformation. I can look back and know that the police department and in a very small way, my service played a part in that. I can retire with no regrets.
That brings me to today. My decision to leave now is based on the needs for my family. I will have two kids in college this coming fall. In two years, I’ll have three in college and one still in high school. I am in a position where I am still young enough to pursue a second career. There are a number of opportunities in the area for a washed up cops and I will be exploring those.
My last day reporting to work will be at the end of the month, I will be on leave for an extended period of time. I do not know who my replacement will be. Captain Stanley will be at the helm until the Chief names him or someone else as the Commander. There are some very bright and energetic commanders waiting in the wings for this job and I’m sure that the next will be better than the last. Although short, my time at District VII will be one of the high points of my career. Most of my career I spent chasing “bad guys” or planning for and reacting to critical incidents. This assignment helped me realize how much more effective a police agency can be when there is a true partnership with the community. I’ve never seen such commitment from a group to make their community a better place than I’ve seen here. I will cherish the relationships and friendships I have made here. Mostly, I want to thank you for the support you have shown me and the folks at this station. I’m here through the end of the month.

Venetia Brown's response reflects our community's feelings:
Major Mudoon,
Hearty congrats on 29 honorable years serving Prince George's County!  We weren't expecting to lose you so soon in District VII.  Our loss is your next employer's gain.  You have left an indelible imprint on our County and State.  Thanks for your service, dedication, diligence, and professionalism in keeping our County safe and taking action to reduce crime over the past 3 decades.  God bless and keep you in your future endeavors.  We know you will excel and bless others as you've blessed us.