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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Enough Is Enough!

(Click on the image for Brad Bell's ABC7 News 4 PM report)
From John Townsend, AAA:
As a result of the legislative process, House Bill 187 goes into effect Saturday, June 1, 2019. It increases the number of speed cameras from one to three in totality along a 13-mile stretch of Maryland Route 210 inside Prince George’s County. Advocates and residents had sought “the placement of seven additional speed cameras” along the roadway.  State legislators trimmed the total to three. Residents are bracing themselves for the hard part: changing driver behavior on Indian Head Highway.
 “In regard to all that has transpired in the legislative victory entailing the speed cameras, we will now focus on the cultural mindset of the driving public. This includes establishing a new paradigm for inculcating the essential thinking skills that foster safe driving behavior,” said Reverend Dr. Robert L. Screen, the lead facilitator of the 210 Traffic Safety Committee. “We are seeking to change the mindset of drivers along Indian Head Highway and trying to engender a traffic safety culture on the roadway. Our goal is grooming safe drivers who are conscientious, intentional, and purposefully deliberate towards the welfare and wellbeing of themselves and others in our driving environment.”