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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Creating A Cultural Shift Can Be Done But It Doesn’t Happen Overnight. Or Does It?

(Click on the image for the article by Raoul Dennis)
  • Distracted or aggressive driving may not be addictive the way smoking is. But they are both habits supported by cultural cues—-and they can both get you killed. 
  • The difference is: smoking isn’t the coolest thing to do any more. County leaders are hoping they can put distracted driving, speeding and DUIs in the same “not cool” category.
  • The lesson learned: it can be done.  Shifts in how we think about parts of our culture can impact behavior patterns within our culture.
  • Sparked by the increasing numbers of deaths in unnecessary car accidents, County Councilmember  Monique Anderson-Walker has launched a campaign to change motorists’ thinking about driving.