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Friday, November 2, 2018

Woman loses majority of life savings in Publisher's Clearing House scam

(Click on the image for the report)
  • An elderly woman thought she was going to become an instant millionaire, but she ended up losing her life's savings instead.
  • 74-year-old Hilda Stead lost $55,000 of her life savings in a phone scam. It all started with a call from a number she didn't recognize. "He said well you're a winner. And I had won $1.3 million and a new Mercedes," Stead said.
  • Stead says she wants her story to serve as a lesson, especially for people around her age.
  • Here are some other signs of a scam to keep in mind:
  1. You're told you must wire money.
  2. You have to deposit a check they've sent you.
  3. The person on the line claims they're from the government or another organization, asking for money in the form of prepaid cards.
Click here for what Publisher's Clearing House says.